Production blog - Beyond filming

 Hey all! Welcome back! Following my last blog of filming I have been working with my group to get more done. After recording all the clips on my phone previously, I sent them all to the final task group chat with my group members. Then everyone discussed the clips. I thought they turned out great and so did Lindsay and Emerson. I wanted to start pre planning some of the editing process. Since my group took many different clips and angles. I asked my group if there was any clips that they were sure they did not want to include. Just so I could have an idea in mind. However since my group just finished filming the beginning scenes I will wait to delete anything until all clips are filmed. Furthermore the next step is deciding the next date to continue shooting. My group and I have yet to film the car, restaurant, and beach scenes. So I have been communicating with my group on dates and have planned to film on a weekend. The scenes take place at night so I am not able to film on a school night as I won’t have enough time and it’s too stressful. 

  In my free time I have also been deleting photos and videos from my camera roll. As my group is using my phone to film I need to free up more storage for the amount of clips I will be filming with my group. Doing this will help the filming process run smoother and is overall something I’ve been needing to do. I’ve also been talking to my group about how to design the props. Such as the design of the poison bottle prop and what to fill it with. As the next filming dates have not been confirmed yet I have been doing small tasks with my group in the meantime. See you all in the next blog. Bye! 


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