Genre Decision Blog

The movie genre my group mates and I decided on using for our final task was the mystery genre. The pitch idea we decided on best fits the mystery genre, due to the specific camera shots and angles. 

Figuring out my options I first decided thriller was not the best choice, since most of the final task will be about the mission/mystery of figuring out who the killer is, instead of the thrill leading up to the kill.  Romance was also not the final genre for my group mates and I, since there is little to no romance within our final task. Comedy was also an obvious elimination as the plot of our final task consists of more serious topics and aspects not usually seen in comedy.

Overall, the mystery genre will work best for our decided pitch idea. The unique techniques such as camera angles, lighting, props, costumes, editing and sound associated with the mystery genre will help enhance our final task better than any of other genres.


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