Title Research: Red Lights
This is a thriller/mystery film. Our group researched and found this movie on artofthetitle.com.
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The opening sequences starts out by first showing the names of the most prominent actors in the movie. It then further ventures to show who the film is by, the title of the film, who the casting is by, sound designer, production designer, editor, who selected the music, director of photography, executive producers, and finally the writer and director.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
Throughout the opening scene there are numerous sudden and flashing images displayed behind the different titles. This consists of images of hands, eyes, statues, photos, a skull, a person, graphs/notes, a syringe, different news articles, ufo/aliens. Many of the images have very dark coloring on them which can be hard for the audience to make it out what it is. All these images could be clues to what the story of the movie is about.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening scene?
This opening sequence uses various elements of the mystery genre to establish a mysterious and ominous feeling. The dark and grey coloring used on the images shown adds to overall aesthetic of eeriness. The music played is dramatic and adds suspense which is a key feature of mystery films. The concept of uneasiness is further conveyed by the transitions, which are abrupt and irregular and the sudden flashing of images across the screen engages the audience. Finally the font is skinny, white, and words are in all caps which further adds to the mystery aspect as opposed to using a bright and bubbly font.
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